Conversations in Health and Care Improvement
Whether you’re a quality improvement professional, a leader in your organisation, or someone passionate about improving health outcomes, join us as we dive deep into the challenges and opportunities we face in delivering the best possible care. Each episode aims to foster a rich conversation on effective strategies, practical tools, and collaborative solutions that drive real-world impacts in healthcare systems. Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England, and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, host thoughtful discussions with wide-ranging guests from the world of quality improvement, to provide you with actionable insights and highlight best practice that can be replicated in diverse health and care settings.

Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Explore the future of safety improvement with episode six of our new, CPD-accredited podcast series: Conversations in Health and Care Improvement. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a quality improvement professional or simply passionate about improving health outcomes, listen to this podcast to:
Understand how the field of safety improvement has evolved over time and where it's heading next.
Consider how much healthcare can learn from other industries, and how much must differ due to its unique complexity and human-centred nature.
Explore whether the approach to learning that quality improvement has engendered within health systems is sufficient for us to do this safety improvement work.
Gain practical advice for teams and organisations who are working towards making systems safer.
Our guests on this episode are Professor Jane O’Hara, Director of Research at THIS Institute (The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute), University of Cambridge and Dr Adrian Plunkett, Consultant paediatric intensivist and founder of Learning for Excellence.
Join a discussion hosted by Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
This podcast episode is CPD-accredited. To access your certificate of completion, please watch the podcast and complete the self-evaluation and feedback form here:
Conversations in Health & Care Improvement | Episode 6 | Future of Safety Improvement
A full transcript can be downloaded here: CHCI Transcript Episode 6.pdf
Visit our website to learn more:
Connect with our hosts on LinkedIn:
Amar Shah
Pedro Delgado

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Deep dive into the topic of environmental sustainability in health and care with episode five of our new, CPD-accredited podcast series: Conversations in Health and Care Improvement. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a quality improvement professional or simply passionate about improving health outcomes, listen to this podcast to:
Understand the connection between health and care and the global climate crisis.
Consider how we can make the case within the healthcare system to prioritise the environment and climate, even amidst limited time, resources, and competing leadership priorities.
Explore how we can inspire clinical and administrative teams to identify small but meaningful actions they can take to make a difference in sustainability efforts.
Investigate how we can encourage healthcare professionals to integrate sustainability into their existing quality improvement practices, leveraging their experience in addressing safety and workflow issues.
Our guests on this episode are Dr Frances Mortimer, Medical Director, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and Dr Bhavini Gohel, Consultant paediatric intensivist and Founder of Learning for Excellence.
Join a discussion hosted by Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England.
This podcast episode is CPD-accredited. To access your certificate of completion, please watch the podcast and complete the self-evaluation and feedback form here:
A full transcript can be downloaded here
Visit our website to learn more:
Connect with our hosts on LinkedIn:
Amar Shah
Pedro Delgado

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Join us as we investigate the complex challenge of equity improvement in episode four of our new, CPD-accredited podcast series: Conversations in Health and Care Improvement. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a quality improvement professional or simply passionate about improving health outcomes, watch this podcast to:
Explore the complex challenge of health equity improvement.
Consider the deep structural aspects of society and organisations that are perpetuating health inequities. Embrace our guests’ invitation to start with a deep dive into our own values, beliefs and assumptions.
Understand how we can apply quality improvement science to engage with groups of people who might be being left behind and build trusting relationships that allow us to work together to co-produce better systems.
Learn from real-world examples shared by our guests who share their personal experience and insights and hopes for the future.
Our guests on this episode are Komal Bajaj, Chief Quality Officer and Medical Director of Sustainability, NYC Health and Hospitals, and Dr Bram Wispelwey, Associate Physician at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts, and Co-Founder of Health for Palestine.
Join a discussion hosted by Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at ELFT and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
This podcast episode is CPD-accredited. To access your certificate of completion, please listen to the podcast and complete the self-evaluation and feedback form here:
A full transcript can be downloaded here
Visit our website to learn more:
Connect with our hosts on LinkedIn:
Amar Shah
Pedro Delgado

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Delve into the concept of population health with episode three of our new, CPD-accredited podcast series: Conversations in Health and Care Improvement. Whether you are a healthcare professional, a quality improvement professional or simply passionate about improving health outcomes, listen to this podcast to:
Explore how we can bring the mindset and method of quality improvement to support efforts in the field of population health.
Investigate the connection between population health, equity and social justice. Our guests share their real-world experience and insights and offer practical steps we can take to create a fairer, kinder society.
Consider the vital role each of us can play in driving the structural changes needed to improve population health.
Our guests this episode are Dr Andy Knox, GP and Associate Medical Director for Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS, focused on Population Health and Health Inequities, and Jesper Ekberg, who has a broad experience of leading regional and national public health initiatives, including as Director of Public Health, in his native Sweden.
Join a discussion hosted by Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
This podcast episode is CPD-accredited. To access your certificate of completion, please watch the podcast and complete the self-evaluation and feedback form here:
A full transcript can be downloaded here:
Visit our website to learn more:
Connect with our hosts on LinkedIn:
Amar Shah
Pedro Delgado

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Calling healthcare professionals, quality improvement professionals and anyone passionate about improving health outcomes. Delve into the concept of productivity in health and care with episode two of our new, CPD-accredited podcast series: Conversations in Health and Care Improvement.
Deep dive into the concept of productivity, as we bring the word to life.
Learn what is driving the surge in interest in productivity within the NHS. Investigate how we can translate the abstract concept of productivity into something meaningful and actionable.
Consider how we can move beyond the mindset of merely increasing metrics and instead focus on optimising the resources at hand to ensure that our efforts drive meaningful and sustainable change where it is needed most.
Discover real world examples of transformational work, improving productivity and efficiency, while redesigning around what people want and need.
Our guests on this episode are Thea Stein, Chief Executive at the Nuffield Trust, and Miss Louisa Wickham, Medical Director at Moorfields Eye Hospital and National Clinical Director for Eye Care at NHS England.
Join a discussion hosted by Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at ELFT and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
This podcast episode is CPD-accredited. To access your certificate of completion, please watch the podcast and complete the self-evaluation and feedback form here:
A full transcript can be downloaded here:
Visit our website to learn more:
Connect with our hosts on LinkedIn:
Amar Shah
Pedro Delgado

Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Delve into the future of quality improvement in health and care.
Consider how quality improvement currently resonates with busy clinicians, trainees and students and explore how we can capture their imagination and energy to help improve the health and care system.
Explore how to make quality improvement appealing, engaging and meaningful for our next generation of leaders and improvers.
Learn from our guests who share their personal experience and insights in improving health and care.
Our guests on this episode are Dr Ben Allen, GP Partner at Birley Health Centre, with a special interest in elderly medicine and service improvement and Dr Gabrielle Mathews, an academic foundation doctor and Children and Young People’s Advocate at UCL Hospitals NHS Trust.
Join a discussion hosted by Dr Amar Shah, Chief Quality Officer at East London NHS Foundation Trust and National Clinical Director for Improvement at NHS England and Pedro Delgado, Vice President at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
This podcast episode is CPD-accredited. To access your certificate of completion, please watch the podcast and complete the self-evaluation and feedback form here:
A full transcript can be downloaded here:
Visit our website to learn more:
Connect with our hosts on LinkedIn:
Amar Shah
Pedro Delgado